FORIS Revenue Assurance
Various recent industry studies consistently indicate that Telcos are losing an astonishing average of 12 % of their revenues due to leak- age. A combination of process, system and audit failures, data discrepancies and fraudulent behaviour result in revenue leaks at various points in end-to-end billing processes, reducing income and undermining profitability. However, even if operators are aware of the problem, they face many challenges in identifying and closing down the leakage.

One reason for operators inability to resolve leakage issues is that typically there are not just one or two major sources of leakage, but many smaller leaks across the end-to-end billing platform and pro- cesses. This makes it difficult for operators to see the full extent of the problem and even more difficult to identify and resolve the causes of leakages as they occur because of the large number of data sources and the volume of records involved

FORIS RA V5 is the latest version of SITRONICS Revenue Assurance platform which enables RA departments to identify and close down revenue leakage far more effectively and thus significantly improve profitability.

FORIS RA V5 provides multiple points of flexibility enabling easy integration and configuration of the application to suit the specific monitoring processes, audit checks and control of RA departments. The application is easily tailored to practically any type of business environment and can be continuously adapted as the providers products, services and revenue streams evolve.

FORIS RA V5 provides an integrated environment to support RA department in all aspects of their work.